FOCUS – on a new series of classes that will blow your mind, an awakening… beginning our focus on. . .TANGO! So,


The originating concept for this unique class began, of course, in my mind. But to be more specific, it really began in “my body” upon returning from, yet, another tango festival. At these festivals, we worked and studied all day and all night in classes, seminars and at milongas — all night, every night. At one of these classes, suddenly, my body rebelled with excruciating pain that made it hard to finish my class. I “whooped and hollered” limping around with the thought: “I perfectly understand that it is very essential for you; but what about me??? – to dance so much on hard tiled floors and in high heels! And, what about stretching, warming-up, and then recovering or a warm-down?” Soon, it was time to return home.

Back in Italy, I had no time to think about all these things. But, my “aching back” and the “crying of my body”, forced the issue. Not only had I brought back new techniques and a new vision of dancing, but also the back pain. And exactly at that time, I thought about all of the other people, like me, always coming home in pain from these tango festivals and marathons dancing till sunrise at milongas. 

The body is a sophisticated and quite perfect instrument, very “thankful” and sensitive to whatever we do with it. 

Professional dancers, teachers, performers, those who give classes, just enthusiastic dancing people, those who are constantly experiencing and suffering from physical overload, and those who while falling asleep imagine themselves in dance, perhaps even on the stage, but have never been to any classes during their whole 

life, and even those who do not regularly attend physical training classes – can all of them meet at “one and the same class”??? Is it really possible? By all means, yes! And, that is the most inspirational and incredible thing! 

Anyone, even the famous dancer needs support, perhaps even more than someone else who is at the very beginning of his or her study or journey. What a great opportunity this is for me to be able to share these experiences, to inspire and support each other. And, it is also so important to remember that everything in our life starts with a dream anyway!

Pilates, hatha yoga, ballet class, martial arts, release … many wonderful art forms and techniques, which have been gathered together like a “string of pearls”. Indeed, a treasure!

Focus on:

1. Peripheral muscle relaxation, working out the internal deep muscles. 

2. Economy of motion and the ergonomic mode of how the body works.

3. Identification and elimination of harmful or wrong physical habits.

4. The art of breathing and movement.

5. Recovery and forming-up the body for dancing.

6. Working with foot placement (I.E. use of our dominant or “our favorite foot” and using various parts of the foot).

7. Pelvic support – How our pelvis provides the perfect support.

8. Body Awareness – Bringing all elements together reflecting on how they affect all aspects of our body, balance and even life itself. An awakening of the entire body in regards to movement. An improvement in total “Quality of life”!

With great pleasure, I look forward to meeting all of you!

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